Our thinking

6 Apps Using Technology to Change the World

7 November 2014

Changing the world is never easy, but thanks to technology it is getting easier to make a donation, help a local cause with your business, or even support farmers in third world countries. At Exygy, we are always looking to innovate and improve technology that supports social good. We believe that unlocking new technology is the key to widespread social and environmental change, both at home and around the world.

Through our own pursuit we have discovered dozens of mobile apps that are making an impact. Here are six of our favorite apps that are using technology to change the world:

One Today Small Donations for a Big Impact

Google’s “One Today” app invites users to donate one dollar a day to their choice of hundreds of different charities around the globe. Every day the app presents a new organization focused on a variety of different world-changes causes, and allows the user to make a one dollar donation with a click of a button. One Today’s website describes the app as “It’s a community of generous people like you doing one good deed a day.”

Make a small donation to a good cause and easily share news of your good deed on social media to inspire others to do the same.

Make a small donation to a good cause and easily share news of your good deed on social media to inspire others to do the same.

ICowBetter Harvesting in The Third World

ICow is a Kenyan mobile app that is changing the way small farmers manage their cows, chickens, and other animals. The text based app gives farming tips while allowing farmers to track their animals’ behavior, health and feeding schedules. The service even recommends activities based on each individual farmers input. While it isn’t something that makes sense for the average San Francisco resident, the app is slowly revolutionizing farming in the third world and beyond.

Social Impact  – Growing a Movement Towards Better Business

Social Impact is a location-based app that makes it easy to find mission-driven businesses in your area. The app uses your phone’s GPS settings to recommend restaurants, shops and other local businesses that are performing social good projects and following sustainable and socially responsible projects that align with your priorities.

Whatever you cause of choice may be, Social Impact makes it easy to put your support, and dollars, behind changing the world.

It could be something as simple as finding a coffee shop that only serves fair trade coffee, or a more complex venture like finding a business that is actively performing extracurricular projects to improve your local community. Whatever you cause of choice may be, Social Impact makes it easy to put your support, and dollars, behind changing the world.

Charity Miles Donation Through Activity

These days fitness trackers are more popular than ever. While there are plenty of apps that will track your miles or count your calories burned, Charity Miles does much more. Whether you’re biking, running or just taking a long walk, you can turn those miles into cash for a favorite charity or social cause. While you’re working out, Charity Miles’ corporate donors will:

  • Donate 10 cents a mile for every mile biked
  • Donate 25 cents a mile for every mile walked or run

Improve your fitness while also improving your karma and give to a good cause just by doing something that you should be doing, anyway.

Ufeed Food for Those In Need

Ufeed suggests turning your own compulsive eating habits into compulsive giving habits. For instance, if you’re craving a latte at 3pm, Ufeed gives you the option to select the food item from their extensive menu, enter the price, and donate that money to a cause of your choice rather than indulging. The app makes sharing easy, allowing you to let your friends and family know just how good you’re being with a single click. While we don’t love the idea of passing on our late night snack, we do approve making it easy to feed the less fortunate around the world.

If you’re craving a latte at 3pm, Ufeed gives you the option to select the food item from their extensive menu, enter the price, and donate that money to a cause of your choice

Feedie Giving Back One Meal at a Time

Feedie, on the other hand, doesn’t cost you anything at all. All you have to do is dine at a participating restaurant, snap and share a pic of your food and the restaurant will make a donation to The Lunchbox Fund equal to one meal.

While the number of participating restaurants is still fairly small, as participation grows Feedie will be just another opportunity for social-minded individuals to give by doing something that they do anyway, sharing pictures of delicious food. That’s something we can definitely get behind.

Have other apps you love that are working for the social good? Let us know in the comments below.