Our thinking

Client Feature: Alter Eco

20 January 2015

It’s always interesting when we start working with a new client to learn more about what they do, how they work, and how we can help them. What’s really great, though, is when the people within a company or organization are so cool and fun to work with, that it almost doesn’t seem like work at all.

Our relationship with Alter Eco started in the sweetest way – literally. We were introduced after sitting across from them at their booth at SoCap. They gave us some free samples of the most amazing chocolate, and as far as first impressions go, that was a pretty memorable one.

Alter Eco: more than delicious chocolate!

Alter Eco offers a range of food products that are organic, Fair Trade, and adhere to strict sustainability and social justice standards. Their relationships with partner cooperatives around the world help give a secure future to families in developing areas, while empowering women and improving living standards.

Like Exygy, Alter Eco is a certified B Corp, so we already had some things in common and quite a few shared interests. Last year, when the company needed someone to implement a build of their website redesign, it turned out that we were a good fit for their needs, and we were really excited about moving forward with them on this project.

Like Exygy, Alter Eco is a certified B Corp, so we already had some things in common

When Alter Eco came to us, they had an existing website that they were starting from, and many aspects of the site were still working well for them. So rather than redesigning and rebuilding from scratch, they determined that it would be easier just to make the necessary changes, while updating some of the features and functionality of the site. They created the design internally, so it was up to us to make sure that their vision was realized in the most effective way.

Built on WordPress

The core of the site is built on the WordPress platform, so that made it easy for us to step in and start creating the rebuild. The company had several goals in this regard. One, they had new products to showcase, and wanted to add those in. Two, they wanted to change parts of the design, with some new features on the back end as well as the front end.

Finally, the entire site needed a refresh, going over each section and making sure that the content and implementation were aligned with their company mission.

Alter Eco uses some standard WordPress plugins, as well as some coding parameters that are consistent across most of their sites, so that helped in terms of guiding the rebuild. They wanted to expand with a separate site for Alter Eco Pacific, so we were able to create that with the same theme, but also with the capacity to add different content relating to the Australia and New Zealand markets.

The entire site needed a refresh, going over each section and making sure that the content and implementation were aligned with their company mission.

This in turn allows for each branch of the company to pull its own content for its respective social media pages, creating a custom experience that’s relevant to each audience.

It’s always a pleasure to work with companies that have such a clear vision, strong work ethic, and positive attitude. We really enjoyed building Alter Eco’s new site structure, and we’re glad to have been a part of the changes that are helping them move forward and grow.