Our thinking

Heart Rate + ResearchKit Tutorial Published!

10 December 2015

Back in May, I had the opportunity to write a tutorial helping developers get started using ResearchKit, Apple’s new framework to facilitate medical research on iOS devices.

The response to the first tutorial and to ResearchKit in general has been really encouraging thus far: over 100,000 users are participating in research studies using the framework, accelerating study of autism, melanoma, epilepsy, and other conditions. Some of the developers responsible for these apps even reported reading the first tutorial!

So today, a follow-up tutorial I’ve written has gone up over at RayWenderlich.com, describing how to collect heart rate data using ResearchKit in Swift, with surprisingly few lines of code. The app you build will:

  • Access heart rate data from HealthKit.
  • Create mock heart rate data for use while developing and testing the app.
  • Prompt the user to walk and rest for certain amounts of time and read heart rate during those periods.
  • Play a randomized song clip and read the user’s heart rate during the music.

If that sounds helpful, head over to RayWenderlich.com and check out the full tutorial! I’m honored to be a part of the research being done, and I hope the ResearchKit community continues to see success.