Dave Kaplan, Author at Exygy

Posts by Dave Kaplan

How to Build a Real-time Web App with Meteor in under 30 Minutes

7 July 2014

Working in the web development industry, people are always bouncing their web and mobile app ideas off me and asking me, “What would it take to build this?” Sometimes their ideas are outlandish, sometimes they’re actually pretty good — but a lot of the time they don’t really have budget to hire…

You’ve (Meteor) showered us with love.

20 June 2014

Happy Friday everybody! We’ve got a couple of things to mention here. First off, we want to thank everybody that has signed up for our course Learn Meteor: Build a real-time web app using only Javascript. We’ve already gotten some solid feedback, and we wanted to share it with you!…

Fragment caching in WordPress to optimize site speed for logged-in users

23 September 2013

If you’re like us, you’re probably using WordPress for much more than its original purpose of powering a simple blog. Many of the WordPress sites we build have extensive social features, allowing people to login, create a profile, and interact with other users. Unfortunately, most of the available caching plugins…