Justin Carboneau | Author at Exygy

Posts by Justin Carboneau

Client Feature: Alter Eco

20 January 2015

It’s always interesting when we start working with a new client to learn more about what they do, how they work, and how we can help them. What’s really great, though, is when the people within a company or organization are so cool and fun to work with, that it…

7 Code Generator Tools for WordPress Developers

9 January 2015

As a WordPress developer, there are several tools I use every day to make my life easier. Here’s a list of 7 tools I use regularly to generate code. Favicon Generator This is the best tool I’ve found for creating favicons. Not only does it create all the images you…

Free eBook: 5 Steps You Should Follow When Relaunching Your Website

8 January 2015

About Exygy Exygy is a digital agency in San Francisco. Exygy creates exceptional software for the world’s leading change-makers, for government, for startups, for business, and more. From strategy to user experience design, visual design, and engineering, Exygy uses an MVP philosophy to design and build beautiful and powerful software…

29 Questions to Propel Your Business from Good to Great

31 October 2014

After finishing Jim Collins’ excellent book, Good to Great, I wanted to consider how we could put its principles into practice in our company. After all, what’s the purpose of reading a book if you’re just going to finish it and move onto the next one? Here are 29 questions you…

5 Super Handy, Often Overlooked WordPress Plugins for Business

17 October 2014

WordPress offers thousands of plugins to help your business flourish online, many of which are free. Unfortunately, the sheer volume of plugins available makes it difficult to pick and choose which are right for your business and which are better left for other projects. This all leads to many plugins,…