Justin Carboneau | Author at Exygy

Posts by Justin Carboneau

How I Live like an Entrepreneur and Get Paid like an Employee

5 August 2013

I’m sure I’m not the only person in the world who wanted to be an entrepreneur but failed and had to get a “real job.” This is the story of how I reclaimed my entrepreneurial lifestyle as an employee. My life BRJ (Before Real Job) During my first 11 years…

You might be a born Growth Hacker if…

7 August 2012

You live in Excel spreadsheets Growth hackers are driven by data and like to create their own systems. You love products Growth hackers love to dig into products, find out how they work, and look for ways to improve them. You are a metrics master Growth hackers love studying analytics…

Posts to Newsletters: A new WordPress plugin for easy newsletter creation

1 August 2012

We’re super-excited to unveil our first public plugin, Posts to Newsletters. This plugin allows you to easily create newsletters from your posts. You can: Customize the template of your newsletters to use your logo and custom styles. Add any number of posts (or custom post types) to each newsletter. Optionally…

9 Creative ways to use TwitterWall at your next Meetup or Event

7 June 2012

TwitterWall is a live tweet display for events, meetups, conferences, parties…pretty much anywhere people get together. You can set it up to display any tweets containing a certain #hashtag, or tweets directed at a specific @username. Example using #SFwordpress hashtag: Set up TwitterWall on a large screen or projector somewhere…

How to fix the Postie “missing revisions” issue in WordPress

30 April 2012

The solution: Add the following line to your wp-config.php file – anywhere above the line that says require_once(ABSPATH . ‘wp-settings.php’) define(‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, true); If you still don’t see your revisions now when you are editing a post or page, click the Screen Options link in the top right of the screen…