Our thinking

Content Management Systems: What They Are and Why They’re Right for You

15 September 2014

You know a web presence matters but building and launching a website isn’t the end of the story.

To keep website visitors engaged, you need to keep your content fresh. How else will you keep your supporters up-to-date on the great work your nonprofit, social enterprise, or startup is doing?

The solution is to build your website using a Content Management System (CMS). CMS are website building software designed to make publishing and modifying online content easy.

Think of the benefits of using CMS as the difference between updating your home for different seasons with holiday decorations and updating your home by remodeling every room.

Still not convinced? Here are a couple of more reasons why you need to use a content management system:

  1. User-friendly for non-tech savvy users: Gone are the days of having website management siloed under IT. If your staff members can use a program like Microsoft Word then they can quickly learn to use and update your organization’s website. Using a content management system means having the ability to quickly train staff members across your organization to support your web team. A CMS lets your marketing team post directly to your blog, the program team can post their latest findings and white papers, and human resources can announce job openings.
  2. Increase Efficiency and Save Staff Time: Now that you can get other team members to support your web team, you no longer have to wait for your web team to find the time to post your updates. Plus if anyone plans on being out of the office for holidays or vacations, content can be scheduled to go out at a future date. There’s no more fighting to prioritize content or having to stick around after hours if your various teams can take on the work they’re responsible for when it’s convenient for them.
  3. Keep your website fresh without a complete overhaul: Redesigning a website is huge undertaking. In between website redesign initiatives, you can even get ahead of the curve by making a site refresh part of your website development plan. Working with your website developer, you can decide and build elements that can be later updated quickly and easily with the push of button.

There are a lot of content management systems to choose from for your website. At Exygy, we’re partial to WordPress. In fact, we’re preparing an entire ebook on why WordPress should be your choice for a CMS (stay tuned to our blog for the official announcement). Until then, we invite you to take a look at this presentation on WordPress for beginners so you can get a taste of what to expect.