Our thinking

Draper Richards adds Social Entrepreneur Search (built by Exygy)

19 March 2010

(this writeup originally by Christine Eggers)

All of the social entrepreneurs profiled in the Social Entrepreneur API are reaching a whole new audience thanks to Anne Marie Burgoyne and her team at the Draper Richards Foundation. They’re the latest to add the Social Entrepreneur Search features, built by Social Edge and Exygy, to their site:

On their Fellows page:

On their Resources page:


For all of you “shopping” for ways to feature these great entrepreneurs in your own online space, Jill Finlayson created this easy-to-remember URL that will take you right to Social Edge’s Social Entrepreneur Search widget store:


Many thanks to Christine, Peter, Anne Marie, Jill, and the whole circle of members
here making this entrepreneur-outreach possible!