Our thinking

The Exygy Team’s Bike Stories on Bike to Work Day 2017

8 May 2017

Exygy celebrated San Francisco Bike to Work Day this morning! We met at Dolores Park before work, and then biked over to the office together.

bike to work badge

We also asked Exygy team members some fun questions about their biking experiences… here’s what we learned!

When did you learn to ride a bike?

Zach Berke: My first bike was a BMX mongoose. I remember riding it every day with my best friend Jess, usually to go to the baseball card store, or the video rental store where they had a couple of video games we liked (specifically NBA Jam, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat!)

Matt Luedke: My parents taught me as a kid growing up in Rockford, IL.

What is your favorite Bay Area place to ride?

Alice Yan: On the weekends, I love riding through Golden Gate Park (they close off part of the park from cars!) and along Ocean Beach. The views never disappoint.

Pierre Hunault: Up Polk, then Marina, cross the GG bridge and take the ferry back to SF from Sausalito.

Justin Carboneau: When I lived in El Cerrito, I used to enjoy riding on the Bay Trail in the east bay – starting near the big hill in El Cerrito and making my/our way up along the shore to a little sandwich shop right on the water in Richmond.

Zach: (1) The streets of San Francisco – I fell in love with this city in the saddle (2) Twin Peaks (3) Hawk Hill (just over the GG Bridge). Lately, my favorite place to take my family bike is to Angel Island.

Matt: I love my daily commute through Golden Gate Park! I also enjoy biking across the Golden Gate Bridge, and in Napa and Sonoma.

What do you like about your current bike?

Zach: I actually ride my wife’s bike to work every day. I love it because it’s a beast. On the weekends, I ride my giant electric assist family bike. I love it because I can fit 3 kids in the back seat, load it up with beach toys, skim boards, shovels, food, beer, and head to the beach or the park. It’s the SUV of bikes and I love it.

Justin: I’ve always had mountain bikes – I like that they are versatile enough to ride on the paved trails around town as well as off-road. I especially enjoy navigating the off-road trails.

Pierre: One gear = reliability

Matt: My hybrid bike has served me well since I got it used in Madison about 7 years ago!

Have any bike safety or maintenance tips you want to share?

Justin: Use a U lock rather than a cable lock. My wife and I learned that the hard way when we came out of our apartments one morning and noticed that our bikes (which were locked with a cable lock to a metal post) weren’t there any more. Luckily, our renters insurance covered it and we were able to get new bikes without paying too much out of pocket.

Zach Wear your helmet. 😡

Pierre: Cars turn right without any blinkers on, that’s a fact. Beware + wear a helmet, you’ll be greatful when you haven’t noticed that car turning right on you.

Alice: Maintenance tip: I always like to carry around a hand bike pump and a hex tool just incase, but if you don’t have one, visit your LBS (local bike shop!) They are always friendly and willing to lend you a specific tool or bike pump for any quick fixes you need free of charge. I can’t count the number of times I’ve gone into a shop asking to borrow their bike pump; no one has ever said no! Also, always ride with a helmet and lights at night. My helmet definitely saved me in my hit and run accident two years back! I am a big proponent of safe cycling. 😉

Matt: I always ride with a helmet, and lights and reflective stuff when I have to ride at night. I use two U-locks to lock up outside, so both wheels and the frame are all locked. I also use my bike bell a lot so people can hear me coming!

Have any biking memories you want to share?

Alice: Before starting at Exygy, I had the chance to fulfill one of my life’s dreams of doing a bike adventure in Japan. My buddy and I biked the Shimanami Kaido, a 70 km bike route across the Inland Sea of Japan. The route stretches across six small islands connected by bridges big and small. Although it was ~90 degrees and 90% humidity, we had the time of our lives. I got to take a photo with a lemon🍋(!?), and he got to take a photo with a brontosaurus. The whole trip was quite calming and serene just like the sounds of the ocean.

I have a fond memory of us both being so hungry that we went into a Watson, bought as much food as we could find, and sat straight outside on the floor and inhaled all of it. We laughed about it afterwards because we received so many strange looks from old people who passed us by. We probably looked like we hadn’t eaten in days!

Proof: tinyurl.com/lemon-selfie

Pierre: Bikes get stolen very quickly, don’t get sentimentally attached.

Zach: The First San Francisco Tweed Ride. Here’s a photo: SF Tweed Ride on Flickr

Matt: I love biking around Lake Monona in Madison every time I go back there.

Happy Bike to Work Day!

Picnic at Dolores Park