Our thinking

What is the Good Morning Game?

12 July 2014

The Good Morning Game is simple and fun game.

If you’d like to play too, here’s how you can get in:

  • Wake up
  • Say “Good Morning” to as many people as you can.
  • Score one point for everyone who says “Good Morning” back to you.

The Good Morning Game FAQ

How do I sign up?

Send a text message that says “GOODMORNING” to 41411

What if I don’t like it?

Send a text message that says “STOP” to 41411

Why would I do this?

  • Because saying “Good Morning” will make you feel better every morning
  • Because being “Good Morninged” (it’s a word, now) will make other people feel more awesome
  • Therefore, the Good Morning Game makes the world a little better.


How do I play?

Every morning at 8AM you’ll get a text message reminding you to say “Good Morning”. Every morning at 10AM you’ll get a text message asking how many Good Morning Points you’ve scored: reply to that text message with a number*

*between 0 and 7 billion, depending on what % of population earth you greeted this morning.

At the end of the day, we’ll let you know how many “Good Mornings” were said that day in aggregate.

8AM? That’s too frikin early. Can I have the message come in at 10:30AM when I usually get up?

Sorry dude, this is an MVP. Everyone gets the same time. If everyone likes playing we’ll make it fancier.

8AM? That’s late, I’ve already done a bike and swim by then. Can I have the message come in at 6:15AM?

Sorry dude, this is an MVP. Everyone gets the same time. If everyone likes playing we’ll make it fancier.

Who wins?

We all win.

What’s to stop me from over-reporting my number?

Nothing. The game runs on the honor policy.

What do I get if I win?

Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men.

Do I have to say “Good Morning” exactly like that?

No. You can say “Top of the Morning to you, mate!” or whatever floats your boat. You just need to:

  • be nice about it
  • smile
  • make eye contact if possible
  • don’t get upset if they don’t say anything back

What counts as a point?

If someone says “Good Morning” or something similar (see below) back to you.

Does the other person have to say “Good Morning” back exactly like that?

Nope. Score yourself a point if you feel honestly that they’ve made a significant acknowledgment that you’ve made their morning a little brighter and they hope yours is brighter for it.

Or whatever. It’s the honor system. If they tell you to buzz off, then that’s probably not a point.