Our thinking

Happiness Habit: Approaching Your Work Day Like a Nice Dinner

21 April 2014

I’ve been changing up my work schedule a bit lately – mostly due to my 6-month-old daughter’s new sleep schedule – and have also been thinking about how to get the most out of my work day and not feel drained at the end of the day.

Here’s an idea that I’m toying with: approaching the work day as if it were a nice dinner.

Course #1: Apertif

mojito When I have people over for dinner, I like to make them a nice cocktail – maybe a manhattan, a gin and tonic, a mojito (pictured on right) or a margarita with fresh-squeezed lime juice.

Of course I don’t recommend starting your day off with hard liquor. But the analogy follows – to start your day off doing something fun – maybe reading a great business book, or checking emails but only opening the interesting ones.

I find it helps me get motivated to go to work if I know it’s going to start out in an enjoyable way.

Course #2: Appetizers

Once you’ve had a little fun, then you can move onto some light work – clearing out your inbox, doing a small project, or anything else that doesn’t require a lot of brain power.

Course #3: A Salad

A salad can help get your digestion going and prepare you for the rest of the meal. This would be a good time to take a look at your to-do list and prioritize your tasks for the day.

Course #4: The Main Course

Now it’s time to sink your teeth into a big juicy project – one that requires all of your focus and brain power – and a good chunk of your time.

Course #5: Dessert

All good meals should end with a nice dessert. Spend the last 20-30 minutes of your day doing something light and enjoyable.

I’ve spent way too may work days engrossed in my main course right up until my wife is calling me for dinner, and by that time I’m completely drained.

I’ve noticed I tend to have much more energy left over at the end of the day if I take the time to have dessert – to write a fun blog post (like this one), or catch up on my twitter feed, or watch an inspiring video.