Our thinking

Our Predictions for Mobile App Development in 2015

14 November 2014

In 2014 mobile applications really hit the mainstream with users finding an app for almost everything. We’ve even joked in the office that it might be possible to live your life completely through apps. Well if 2014 was the year of an app for everything, 2015 is the year of apps for convenience. With this transition we see five major trends in mobile application development. Here they are in no particular order:

Apps Become More Specialized, With Better UX

As app development continues to flourish, apps will no longer function as mobile multi tools that serve a variety of functions. Instead, apps will become more specialized, focusing on doing a specific job, often for a specific user, and doing it perfectly.

Our mobile devices will no longer contain a few apps that we like, but function more like a toolbox, offering a specialized tool for every job. Like a traditional tool box, our devices will not only contain a variety of tools, but a specialized version of each tool.

Apps will become more specialized, focusing on doing a specific job

This means that creating a positive User Experience is going to be more important than ever. For an app to be successful it is going to have to be intuitive, and in most cases perform it’s function in a single touch. Anything more difficult will be deemed, “too difficult” and quickly passed over for an app that’s easier to use.

Apps Live in The Cloud, Offer Convergence

As owning multiple devices (wearables, tablet, phone, laptop, etc.) becomes more popular the importance of having full app integration across devices will be more important than ever before. Users will require apps to have the ability to live on several devices all at once, and constantly be in sync regardless of their disparate platforms.

This seamless integration between devices will require users to even further embrace the cloud, as their apps and personal information will live somewhere other than on their devices. This also means we’ll be better able to move between devices as our work and life demands. Instead of heading to our desktops when full functionality is necessary, every app will be forced perform just as well on every platform.

Home desktops and laptops will become much less important, while having the ability to work on across platforms and devices will be paramount.

Apps Focus On Convenience In the Real World

By the end of 2015, you’ll wonder why you ever wasted so much time waiting in line for a cup of coffee. Brands like Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts and Chipotle have already begun rolling out mobile apps that allow users to order and pay for their food from anywhere, then simply pop into the restaurant and pick it up. As other chains follow suit, the idea of spending your lunch break waiting in line will fade into the history books.

You’ll wonder why you ever wasted so much time waiting in line for a cup of coffee


Beyond ordering food, both Google and Amazon battle to eliminate trips to stores completely with same-day delivery programs. Both brands are positioning their apps at the forefront of the same-day deliver revolution.

One-touch ordering will ensure that you never run out of shampoo ever again, even if you’re going to be stuck in meetings all day. In fact, the battle for same-day delivery supremacy could very well come down to which organization produces the most user friendly mobile app. Is a one-touch toothpaste order in your immediate future?

Whether it is ordering food, getting delivery, working out, making a payment or any other area of hassle in your life, in 2015 there will be a plethora of apps trying to bring greater convenience to your life in one way or another.

App Security (and Privacy) Will Be A Major Factor

The summer of 2014 was filled with news stories about information leaks and digital platforms being hacked, with thousands of individuals having their financial or personal information stolen. It’s becoming clear that current security measures simply are not getting the job done.

In 2015 it will become the job of app developers to improve security systems to the point that even the most private individual would be willing to share their banking information, address or photos with the app. Thankfully, this additional pressure on app developers will likely lead to safer apps, although the battle to stay ahead of hackers around the globe will continue to be a news issue throughout the year.

Data From Apps Will Power Your Decision Making

As the wearables market grows and mobile applications get more sophisticated you’ll start tracking and creating more data than you ever have before. Beyond tracking your steps, your friendly mobile app will start tracking your happiness, food intake, TV habits, and even right down to your breathing. You’ll of course get to choose what of this you really want to track, but the reality is you’ll be using the power of data to make more decisions about your life than ever before.

Your friendly mobile app will start tracking your happiness, food intake, TV habits, and even right down to your breathing.

As a result of these new data collection capabilities more mobile application developers will focus on adding insightful, actionable, takeaways from your data. Prepare to get notifications at the optimal time to workout, or letting you know you should take a break to de-stress. All of this will lead to better information – and just maybe, greater success.

What are your predictions for app development in 2015? What would you like to see from the apps of the future? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Interested in developing a mobile app for your business or organization? Contact Exygy today.