Our thinking

You might be a born Growth Hacker if…

7 August 2012
  • You live in Excel spreadsheets
    Growth hackers are driven by data and like to create their own systems.
  • You love products
    Growth hackers love to dig into products, find out how they work, and look for ways to improve them.
  • You are a metrics master
    Growth hackers love studying analytics and looking for patterns.
  • You are obsessed with optimization
    Growth hackers are always looking for ways to optimize user acquisition and experience.
  • You are constantly learning
    Growth hackers are never satisfied. There are always new ideas, techniques and inspiration to be found.
  • You are a theorizer and tester
    A growth hacker’s mantra is: Hypothesis. Do. Learn. And Repeat.
Credits and thanks go to Aaron Ginn, a creative and talented growth hacker for Mitt Romney (for which we will forgive him), and teacher of the SkillShare class Marketing is Dead, Learn Growth Hacking, which I attended last week.